Grime is popular in London as it originated in East London with a Pirate Radio which turned into Global Success.
Grime is popular in Birmingham which some people think is surprising, but Birmingham have produced some big Grime Artists, some think it might even take over the name of Grime Capital from London.
Grime is popular in America even though it originated in a different country it has gone over to the USA and they have produced some good Grime Artists.
Where is Grime Unpopular and who with?
Older Generation
Grime is unpopular with the older generation as they associate Grime with gangs, crime and racism. They think that it isn't very melodic, its aggressive and they find the words hard to understand artists and what they are singing about.
Upper Class
The Upper Class don't tend to like Grime as they associate it with crime and gangs which the Upper Class don't really want to be associated with things such as that.
damn abbie